The horrors which we have seen, and the still greater horrors we shall presently see, are not signs that rebels, insubordinate, untamable people are increasing in number throughout the world, but rather that there is a constant increase in the number of obedient, docile people.
-George Bernanos
I saw a bumper sticker recently. It said "The bible said it, i believe it, that settles it!" Haha! that sure showed 'em jesus bumper sticker guy! You don't have to know what you believe in! two cars later i saw this sticker "Coexist" made up of all the different religious icons that fit the lettering, like some hippie's ransom note to society. The three or four people I personally know with coexist bumpers stickers, don't want coexistence, they want the extreme examples of those faiths to cease to exist.The classic, or iconic view of Utopian societies depict a scenario where everyone is homogenized. The hero in those stories whether it is Metropolis, Brave New World, what have you, are the ones seen as a rebel. The ones who would question the vanilla standards, and brittle eggshell skeletons that are supposed to support the perfect future.
I can't help but think that we now have that same issue in society. It is both political correctness in its extreme and religious fervor in its self righteous blindness that are having their bar fight in media. and the eggshell skeletons are showing their signs of compound fractures.The people who believe a cause, because they fear backlash for not believing it, obedient, the others who go along because they don't want to deal with problems, and so join whichever view makes less friction for their lives, docile.
Yet Rebellion for rebellion's sake is ridiculous. It's tantrum politics and that has only given us a petulant attitude and a 4 year old's mentality that we are right because we are angry.[On either side of whichever issue is being attacked] Rebellion was created to counteract an abuse of power.
Insubordination is like pulling bricks out of the wall. you can do it but sooner or later the wall will fall on the one pulling the bricks. Rebellion counteracts an abuse of power insubordination should counteract the ignorant use of leadership/power.
Of course being Untamed is the American dream. No man mastered everyone else the bastard. Being untamed is like a wild horse, beautiful and strong and free. But of no use to anyone else. Being Untamed for us should be the ability to keep our standards while reaching goals that may not be our first priority.
Where am I going with this? We cannot complain about the problems of society without making enemies. None of us have the right to bitch and moan about anything we ourselves are not fighting for. Too often i hear how society is going to hell in a hand basket and quite frankly, i don't care. Good. lets get damned good, and ready. then we can decide how we will fall or stand. perhaps when we take responsibility for not taking responsibility we can become a little rebellious, and a little less docile.
Sheep, sheep are docile. The bible mentions the members of the church (the people who follow said doctrines of that religion) are like sheep, and Christ, its shepherd. You know sheep are dumb. that's why the shepherd has to crack them on the head wit that staff. does God wish us to move with blind faith? I think not, i believe in a god who desires us to understand and reason. a Mighty and cruel God, but good at the same time. The ideas are a contradiction, but hey, i don't get to make God what i want, god is what God is.
Political correctness [or perhaps just political-ness] then, is obedience. doing what we are told because at the time everyone else says it is right. the kind of thinking that creates so many restrictions and red tape that we never are sure how to behave without cutting off our own balls (or ovaries) first and then making sure we wrap our feet in feather pillows as we tippie toe around issues we should rightfully have our own opinions of.
Is everyone afraid to admit we are living in the grey [gray?] areas in between ambiguity and absolute?
The Rebel alliance were the Heroes of the Star Wars franchise, and the villains of the empire in that franchise. Before George Lucas F-ed up the whole series with his Prequels, we know who was good and who was bad, but in fact it was all grey area, as the story unfolds. it is never easy, the paths we take never wholly clear, but we must think and look and make calculated decisions, even in our spontaneity.
If we find a trait or problem unconscionable, we cannot then adopt that trait, in some kind of fight fire with fire mentality. We must reject that attitude of obedience and embrace informed allegiance. We cannot just be docile, but become activist in our everyday activities, not like some ass, kicking at whoever walks by its backside, but as thoughtful people who will look at two and three sides of an issue before coming to conclusions.
Then follow through. and if new evidence come though our lives we have to evaluate that evidence and see how it effects\affects our views and motives then adjust our actions accordingly.
So, do you hate Luke Skywalker or what?!
ReplyDeletenope, he just got the finger before he went down the shaft.